Monday, January 7, 2008

i know...enough with the mushrooms

These days, whenever I manage to pop in a local thrift store, mushrooms grow in my basket. A few months ago it was this and now these just magically appeared yesterday. Mushrooms are tricky like that. I think it's serendipity. My hubby thinks they should multiply in someone else's home.

More from the depths of the WIP basket. These are little girl purses that I dressed up with a little applique there, a button here...and there we are. The fabrics are a mishmash of Ikea, JoAnn and vintage from my estate sale stash. The tree one has a little red bird in it that you can't really see in the picture. They were fun and easy, the perfect size for little hands or for big girls who don't want to carry a lot of stuff.

And, last, but certainly not least, I had to snap a pic of the yummy cupcakes I made to share with the SCM ladies tonight. I ordered this book to expand my cupcake repertoire (but hopefully not my pants).


Claire said...

dude, I love you. If I hadn't already decided to go to the meeting I would have as soon as I saw the cupcakey goodness.

Anonymous said...

Those cupcake were the best and those napkins were awesome!
Bring a hook to the next meeting and I'll show you some schtuff!
It was really cool hanging out with you!

Felicia said...

Love your little girl purses!

amy is the party said...

mmm...those cupcakes were SO good.